まこ 24歳
2024/04/29 13:32Good Morning
今日も出勤してます!GWイベントでお得に遊びましょう☆ご予約よろしくお願いします(^^ゞ -
2024/04/28 12:50Good Morning
出勤してますっ♪GWイベントもやってますお得に遊ぶなら今がチャンスですよ(#^^#) -
2024/04/27 17:27まだまだ
2024/04/24 12:32Good Morning
It's Mako
Other than Shinjuku, it's okay
Please make a reservation -
2024/04/22 12:14Good Morning
It's Mako!
I went to work well today
We are waiting for a lot of reservations -
2024/04/21 13:04Good Morning
It's Mako
I'm going to work well again today
I'll be waiting for your request -
2024/04/20 13:01まこです!
こんにちは!一緒に気持ち良くなりませんか?今ならお得に遊べるみたいです( *´艸`) -
2024/04/17 12:14Good morning
I went to work
International customers are also very welcome
We are also accepting reservations for the day, so we are looking forward to your invitation -
2024/04/15 12:07Good Morning
まこです!今日も元気に出勤しました沢山のご予約まってますね(*´▽`*) -
2024/04/14 12:06おはよー!